Monday, June 28, 2010

RE: funny error with ctags and vim

Hervé Cauwelier wrote:
> Here are the steps to reproduce the problem:
> - cd into the directory that contains itws, etc.
> - open gvim in that directory
> - open about any file, say itws/
> - click on "Unicode" on line 21
> - click on the "Jump to tag under the cursor" icon
> - I get the following error:
> E431: Format error in tags file "itws/"

Here is a simpler problem (I tried this with Vim 7.3):
- directory project contains file tags
- directory project/subdir contains files,

In directory project:
- gvim subdir/
- put cursor on a keyword and press Ctrl-]

Result: Vim gives error:
E431: Format error in tags file "subdir\"

Entering command ':set tags?' shows the default:

The ./tags setting causes Vim to look in the directory of the
current file (project/subdir) for a file called tags.

However, Vim uses file because tags is not present!

If Vim failed to find a ./tags file, it would use the second
setting (tags) which would use project/tags (the current
directory) and that would work.

A workaround for Hervé would be to fiddle with the 'tags'
setting. If nothing better comes to mind, enter the full path of
the tags file:

:set tags=/full/path/tags

It seems weird that Vim would use file as a tags file.
An extremely quick experiment suggest this problem does not
occur if is renamed as tags.c so it seems to be
something peculiar about


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