Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Re: vimdiff-like highlighting within the same file?

On Mi, 30 iun 10, 12:30:15, Christian Brabandt wrote:
> I would use the NarrowRegion plugin[1]. Make sure, it uses vertical
> split windows, (:let g:nrrw_rgn_vert = 1), set nowinfixwidth in each
> narrowed window (:set nowinfixwidth), resize each window to your desired
> width and diff each narrowed window (:diffthis). You can then
> interactively merge the differences (see :h copy-diff) and when
> finished, simply write the Narrowed window. Be sure to read the
> documentation of the plugin (:h NrrwRgn.txt)

I'll try it out, but seems a little too much for just *showing* the
differences (the translator must *not* touch the current msgid and the
previous msgid is just a convenience to easily spot changes).

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)

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