Saturday, June 26, 2010

Re: wrapmargin won't work although it's set

ak, thanks for your response. I was only setting wrapmargin or
textwidth per session, not both at the same time. The settings I
displayed are for a case when I set wrapmargin. As I type, the line
just keeps wrapping without ever setting a newline until I hit enter.
The same thing happens if I set wrapmargin to 0 and set textwidth to
72. Textwidth will show it is set to 72 but I can have over 200
characters, three lines worth, and it won't start a new line. I also
logged in as another user and have the same problem.


On Jun 26, 5:30 pm, AK <> wrote:
> On 06/26/2010 06:58 PM, urbanite wrote:
> > First, I'm fairly new to vi and Linux. My situation is that previously
> > I used wrapmargin just fine and now when I set it to wrapmargin=7, vim
> > won't create a new line. If I check the setting, it shows it's set but
> > it doesn't work. I previously created a .vimrc file and also had
> > a  .exrc file in a directory but have removed them both to try to
> > eliminate the problem. No luck. The set textwidth command also does
> > not work.  Other commands work. The set number command works fine.
> > Below are the settings for a session in which I set the wrapmargin but
> > it won't work.
> Do they not work as you're typing at the end of a line that's shorter
> than textwidth? BTW your textwidth is shown as 0. What are you setting
> it to? If you do :set textwidth=75 , it still stays at 0? You can check
> by doing
>     :set textwidth
>  -ak

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