Thursday, July 1, 2010

Re: screen not updated after backspace


this looks like the Problem:

:verbose set cpo?

I only get the hind, that '/usr/share/vim/vim70/plugin/zipPlugin.vim'
last changed this setting. But is there a way to debug more precisly
when all this stuff is comming into the variable? Temporaly i
overwrite cpo with the Vim-Default in my .vimrc which works just fine


On 1 Jul., 07:35, Jürgen Krämer <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Sven Eppler wrote:
> > since about a week on my server vim behaves strange. The backspace-key
> > is working correctly beside the fact, that the deleted characters are
> > not removed from the screen. Only when leaving insert-mode or switch
> > lines the screen will get updated and the deleted characters will
> > vanish from the screen.
> > e.g.: when backspacing 5 characters and typing 4 new, the newly typed
> > chars will be shown correctly, but the first backspaced char will stay
> > again until i leave the insert-mode or navigate into another line.
> in addition to the 'compatible' option you might want to look at the
> 'cpoptions' option. If it includes a lower-case 'v' Vim behaves the
> way you noticed (:help cpo-v).
> Regards,
> J rgen
> --
> Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere
> in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.     (Calvin)

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