Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Re: some bugs

On 27 July 2010 18:18, Tony Mechelynck <> wrote:
> ...
> You may have ncurses, but do you have ncurses-dev ?
> ...

Bram, Tony, thank you for helping!

I did what you suggested. More precisely (I am mentioning this
for the benefit of those who would also want to build vim3.7b under
Ubuntu) I did the following:
– installed the packages libncurses5-dev and libgtk2.0-dev
– make distclean
– ./configure --prefix=$HOME/vim73b --enable-gui=gtk2
– make
– make install

Indeed (as Bram said) there are no problems with parsing and printing
f.p. numbers in the new version. However, I'd like to report of other

One is the incorrect display of Unicode characters with grave (U+0300)
or acute (U+0301) combining accents (that I already mentioned).

Another (at least I see it as a bug) is that the keymap option is
dropped, rendering the 'set keymap' command useless.

Finally, a bug that I reported in August 2008 is still present: see

Best regards,

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