Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Re: Vim Help on IME

On 27/07/10 21:29, Sean wrote:
> Hi Tony,
> Based on discussion on this thread as well as relating topics from you
> on this group, I would vote you to update/manage this part of Vim
> Help.

Hm, I am fluent in English, but it is not my mother language; and I've
never had much success trying to use an IM with Vim (when I want to type
hanzi and I don't have something that I can copy-paste, I try to
determine the Kangxi radical+strokes value and/or the Mandarin /
JapaneseOn / JapaneseKun reading, then I search that in a downloaded
version of the Unihan database to get the Unicode number). So I may try
to correct the language, but it won't be finished tomorrow and I can't
guarantee that I'll understand everything the right way.

> Vim Help is important. It is translated to many languages. (I know
> there exists a Chinese version of Vim Help.)

According to vim.org, the only fully translated help is the French
version. It's a pity, because Vim's first-quality help is an important
part of what makes it such a good product.

> I will be happy to review before it becomes "official".
> By the way, I found your name is listed in my VimIM acknowledgement
> part:
> >> #. 有几个世界难题是Vim官方论坛上Tony Mechelynck解答的。

Yeah, I discussed some ideas with VimIM's author when he was writing it,
but I only helped something that was already well on the way, all the
merit is his. You'll even find my name under ":help credits", for the
help I give here; though I'm not the only one. I wonder why "Dr. Chip"
(Charles E. Campbell Jr., Ph.D.) who not only helps on the lists but
also contributed so many essential scripts, isn't listed: just run

:0verbose vimgrep /\<Campbell\>/g $VIMRUNTIME/**/*.vim

and see what you get.

> Thanks
> Sean

Best regards,
TAURUS (Apr 20 - May 20)
You are practical and persistent. You have a dogged
determination and work like hell. Most people think you are
stubborn and bull headed. You are a Communist.

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