Thursday, August 26, 2010

Re: Controlling the cusor in the file browser

On Thursday 26 August 2010 16:46:34 Charles Campbell wrote:

> jyk271 wrote:
> > > From the command line I enter `vim`.
> >
> > I am greeted with the Vim version number etc.
> > Then I type ` :e .` , which takes me to the file browser.
> > I get the usual long list of files,I move the cursor, say to
> > the fourth from the top , enter the file and edit it ,so far
> > so good. NOW I use` ^O ` ie.` Ctrl O` to get back to the
> > file browser,but instead of returning to the name of the
> > file I just opened the cursor goes right to the bottom of
> > the list.Otherwise I find Vim fantastic!

> I've tried; you'll find netrw has keepj commands all over the
> place. I've determined the first place that a jump table
> change occurs; it was associated with a put command (which
> already had a keepj associated with it). I've swapped in a
> call setline() in its stead, accompanied by a keepj.
> Unfortunately, the jump table still changes.

> So I don't think I can change netrw to fix this.
> Unfortunately, when I try doing the commands by hand, the
> jump table doesn't change, so I can't submit a problem
> report.

> In the interim, use

> :Rex

ooo -- Rex -- i didn't know about that one

here's an alternative i came up with -- it always seemed
natural to me when opening netrw to do so with the cursor at
the current buffer -- for this i came up with the following

function! MyExplore(s)
if a:s == "t"
call MyExploret()
let save_locate = @/
let @/ = '\<' . escape(expand("%:t"), ' .\')
let g:netrw_sort_by = "name"
let g:netrw_sort_direction = "normal"
if &modified
Sexplore .
Explore .
normal gg
silent normal n
normal zz
let @/ = save_locate

nmap <silent> <S-F11> :call MyExplore('')<CR>
imap <silent> <S-F11> <ESC>:call MyExplore('')<CR>

i probably don't need the test for &modified any more since
setting 'confirm' in my .vimrc, but it looks good in there, so
i'm leaving it


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