Monday, August 30, 2010

Re: voom node move work in gvim, but doesn't work in vim,

On Aug 21, 9:23 pm, ping <> wrote:

I assume this is question about my VOoM plugin.
I guess you are having problems with Ctrl-Up/Down/Left/Right mappings
in console Vim. Ctrl- mappings are often not recognized in console
Vim. This is why all VOoM Ctrl- mappings have equivalents with
<LocalLeader>, which is \ by default. <LocalLeader>u/d/r/l moves nodes
up/down/right/left. These should work everywhere. You can also use <<
and >> to move left/right.
Please email any further questions about the VOoM plugin directly to
me. The address is on my Vim account page.

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