Thursday, September 30, 2010

Re: gvim, how to search tab by name and then go to this tab?

On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 11:24:52PM +0800, Zac Lee wrote:
> gvim, how to search tab by name and then go to this tab?

You shouldn't use tabs like in other text editors. To quote
vimgor (the bot) in #vim:

Tab pages are not buffers, don't try to force them to act
like buffers. Consider tab pages like viewports, layouts, or
workspaces. Trying to setup 1 tab page == 1 buffer is an
exercise in futility. Do ':set hidden' and get started. Get
FuzzyFinder, LustyExplorer or BufExplorer to make getting
around your buffers easier. See for more info.

For a quick intro to vim's windows, buffers, and tabs, see and See also ':help tab-page-intro'
and ':help windows-intro'

Better use buffers and tabs only if you need different "views" on
some buffers in a window.

Hope this helps,
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