Thursday, September 30, 2010

Re: Question? passing visual selection to function

On Sep 30, 12:21 am, Bee <> wrote:
> On Sep 29, 10:32 pm, "Christian Brabandt" <> wrote:
> > On Thu, September 30, 2010 1:07 am, Bee wrote:
> > > Is EXAMPLE 1 the only way to pass the selection to :s?
> > > Making it necessary to preceed the :call with <C-U> ?
> > No functions can act on ranges as well. See the help at
> > :h function-range-example and
> > :h a:firstline
> Thank you Christian, for helping me learn to find in the help.
> It looks like I can pass the range, but it is much more work.
> It is good to know about "range" and a:firstline ...
> I have added these examples to my notes.
> function! BlkNum() range
>   let g:l = 0 | let g:b = 0
>   execute a:firstline . "," . a:lastline . 's/^/\=BlkInc()/'
> endfun
> vmap <F5> :call BlkNum()<cr>
> function! BlkNum()
>   let g:l = 0 | let g:b = 0
>   '<,'>s/^/\=BlkInc()/
> endfun
> vmap <F5> :<C-U>call BlkNum()<cr>

And reading even more closely... This looks best (and works!):

function! BlkNum() range
let g:l = 0 | let g:b = 0 | '<,'>s/^/\=BlkInc()/
vmap <F5> :call BlkNum()<cr>

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