Thursday, September 2, 2010

Re: tab name in MacVim

Ответ на сообщение «Re: tab name in MacVim»,
присланное в 02:28:05 03 сентября 2010, Пятница,
отправитель sc:

I think that 'tabline' and 'guitablabel' options are more suitable in this case.

Текст сообщения:
> On Thursday 02 September 2010 16:01:47 mitch wrote:
> > I'm using MacVim 7.2. Not sure if this question is specific
> > to the Mac or general to Vim.
> >
> > I'm creating a new tab, and then dragging a file onto the tab.
> >
> > The file opens fine. In the title of the tab, Vim is trying
> >
> > to fit the whole directory path and file name. It doesn't
> > fit and so it's unreadable. I'd prefer to have it just put
> > the file name, without the directory path, in the tab title.
> > Is there a way to set it up so it always does this? Thanks.
> this is just a guess but you might have a look at the
> 'titlestring', see if you can define your own without the path
> see
> :h titlestring
> for an explanation and some examples
> sc

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