Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Re: vimdiff-like highlighting within the same file?


> ...I'm trying to use Vim script identify areas in unified diffs showing
> changes in lines (as opposed to additions or deletions) and use a more
> striking highlighting mode to point out, say, when a single letter or
> space changes in a line.
> ...
> To see how other tools highlight stuff, I've been doing stuff like:
> - vimdiff old new
> - git diff old new
> - git diff --color-words old new
> - emacs tmp.diff (then ALT-n once emacs starts up)
> ...
> for some reason I'm also really getting stuck
> breaking down/identifying/solving the problem about how to identify
> which parts of a line have changed. Tokenizing/scanning/whatever you
> call it is partly subjective--see the new "git --word-diff-regex"
> command line argument, and discussion around same on the git mailing
> list. In fact, the git solution might be the most elegant and flexible
> algorithm to emulate.

I haven't really been following this thread in detail, and I'm no
expert on all-things-diffing, but I thought that Neil Fraser's
diff_match_patch (which I have no affilation with; available here: might be of
interest. It handles intra-line changes nicely, and the souce code is
available to look at. According to its page:

"This library implements Myer's diff algorithm (http:// which is
generally considered to be the best general-purpose diff. A layer of
pre-diff speedups and post-diff cleanups surround the diff algorithm,
improving both performance and output quality.

This library also implements a Bitap matching algorithm (http:// at the heart
of a flexible matching and patching strategy (


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