Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Re: For languages that end statements with semicolons: d$-1

On Wed, October 27, 2010 11:42 am, Dotan Cohen wrote:
> Does VIM have an easy way to delete up to the last character of a
> line, not inclusive?
> How about not including the last N characters? For instance, in C#
> there may be a statement in which I wish to delete all but the last 3
> characters, such as:
> Console.WriteLine("Lots of text here that I want to delete");
> Something like d$N where N is the amount of characters to keep (d$1
> for the first case and d$3 for the second case) would be great. Thanks
> for any ideas.

Interessting challenge. Here we go:

fun! s:GetOffset()
let offset=''
let char=nr2char(getchar())
while char =~? '[-0-9]'
let offset .= char
let char=nr2char(getchar())
return [ abs(offset+0)*-1, char ]

fun! s:LastChar(offset)
if a:offset[0] < 0
echomsg a:offset[0] . '|' . a:offset[1]
return string(virtcol('$') + a:offset[0]) . '|' . a:offset[1]
return '$' . a:offset[1]

onoremap <silent> <expr> $ <sid>LastChar(<sid>GetOffset())


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