Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Re: How to execute commands at vim exiting?

Ответ на сообщение «Re: How to execute commands at vim exiting?»,
присланное в 12:27:51 05 октября 2010, Вторник.
Отправитель: Joan Miquel Torres Rigo:

> Note: If I understood well, the command you given will run
> KillAllScreens once per each buffer but, of course, this is trivial to
> solve by using some flag variable.

From :help VimLeave:
> Before exiting Vim, just after writing the .viminfo file. Executed only once,
> like VimLeavePre. To detect an abnormal exit use v:dying. When v:dying is 2
> or more this event is not triggered.
Note the second sentence.

Текст сообщения:
> 2010/10/2 ZyX <zyx.vim@gmail.com>:
> > Ответ на сообщение <<How to execute commands at vim exiting?>>,
> > присланное в 17:09:18 02 октября 2010, Суббота.
> > Отправитель: Joan Miquel Torres Rigo:
> >
> > To execute something just before vim exists, you can use `VimLeave`
> > autocommand,
> >
> > like that:
> > autocmd VimLeave * KillAllScreens
> >
> > (you must define KillAllScreens autocommand by yourself). About capturing
> > vim's pid: use ``let g:vimpid=system('echo -n $PPID')+0''
> Thank you a lot.
> I'm still a newbie in vim scripting and I must to end up reading
> autocommands documentation but seems it will do just that I need.
> Note: If I understood well, the command you given will run
> KillAllScreens once per each buffer but, of course, this is trivial to
> solve by using some flag variable.
> Regards.

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