Friday, October 29, 2010

Re: matchit for oracle plsql

Which version of Vim are you using?

The ftplugin/sql.vim has been included with the Vim runtime as of version 7.0 of Vim.

So, if you happen to have a local copy of vimfiles/ftplugin/sql.vim or .vim/ftplugin/sql.vim,  it is very old and should be deleted.

Vim 7.3 ships with version 7.0 of that file.

Having said all of that, it still does not work with the code you have provided.

I will add that to my TODO list, as I am the maintainer of that file.


On 10/29/2010 10:35 AM, talek wrote:
I have the following oracle plsql block:  begin   if true then     if 1=1 then     	null;     end if;     null;   end if;   for i in 1..100 loop     for i in 1..100 loop       null     end loop;     null;   end loop;   while true loop     null;     exit when false;   end loop; end;  Whiles matchit plugin works without problems for "begin:end, if:end if" pairs, it fails for statements like "for" or "while". I use version 0.08 of sql.vim ftplugin.  

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