Saturday, October 30, 2010

Re: selection to upper case or lower case

Reply to message «Re: selection to upper case or lower case»,
sent 17:49:57 30 October 2010, Saturday
by Javier Rojas:

> If I remember correctly, keybindings like Shift-Fn are recognized only
> by gvim, not by terminal vim (because of limitations of the terminal
> emulator, e.g., xterm or konsole)
No, sometimes <S-FN> works fine. Sometimes it requires a bunch of
set <S-F3>=^[[13;2~
placed in the vimrc. But they can be recognized in a terminal. There can be some
problems when terminal takes <S-FN> key as its own shortcut... but this can
apply to any <C-, <A- and others as well.

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