Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Re: VIM, TCL, and TAG

On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 12:59 AM, a b <> wrote:
>   Hi,
> I'm having trouble using tag on tcl files in VIM. I have created the
> tag
> file in the base directory and it's there. I can do :tag tagname. But
> I
> can't use the ctrl-] shortcut to jump into tcl proc
> The problem is that in the files I'm working with, many proc are
> defined
> using namespace, so they have this format:  ::ns_name::proc_name
> The tag file defines path for ::ns_name::proc_name, so it works
> but the ctrl-] shortcut, depending on the cursor placement, would only
> search ns_name or proc_name, and so I get the tag not found error
> message.
> Anyway around this?

:help iskeyword


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