Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Re: What to do with perl-support when set ft=perl set in vimrc

On Tue, 26 Oct 2010, Aaron Lewis wrote:

> Hi,
> Just activated perl-support plugin , if i do set ft=perl inside my
> ~/.vimrc , thus i'll receive a warning:
> Error detected while processing /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/ftplugin/perl.vim:
> line 414:
> E121: Undefined variable: g:Perl_PerlTags
> E15: Invalid expression: has('perl') && g:Perl_PerlTags == 'enabled'
> Press ENTER or type command to continue
> But if i start vim , and type in "set ft=perl" manually , all goes
> well.
> Am i missing sth. here ?

g:Perl_PerlTags isn't part of any recent (7.0+) ftplugin/perl.vim.
Googling it, I found:


which has a changelog from 2008-01-02:

+ Global variable g:Perl_PerlTags is no longer needed.

So, perhaps you're using that and updating that script might help? Are
you using a particularly old version of Vim?


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