Saturday, November 20, 2010

Re: Omnifunc

> Usually you use split(glob(' a pattern'),"\n") to get a file list.
> Then you filter it.
> In any case what you write doesn't make sense to me because you usually
> call functions this way:
> command -nargs=1 -complete=file Archive :call Archive(<f-args>)

Yes mark. This is my func

function! Archive(folderOrfilePath)

" Verify existence of 7zip or Win rar"
let pathOf7z = "c:\\Program\ Files\\7-Zip\\7z.exe"
let pathOfWinrar = "c:\\program\ files\\WinRar\\WinRar.exe"
if ( filereadable(pathOf7z) )
let s:pathToArchiverTool = pathOf7z
elseif ( filereadable(pathOf7z) )
let s:pathToArchiverTool = pathOfWinrar
call EchoAndWait("Neither 7zip and Winrar are installed on your
return 0

" name of folder or file we want to archive
let folderOrFileName=fnamemodify(a:folderOrfilePath, ":t")

let folderOrFileUnixPath=fnamemodify(a:folderOrfilePath, ":p:gs?\\?
" echo "Unix path:".folderOrFileUnixPath

" move to the parent dir
let pathToMoveTo = join(split(folderOrFileUnixPath, "/")
exe "cd ".pathToMoveTo

if ( isdirectory( a:folderOrfilePath) )

let archiveName = strftime("%Y_%m_%d__%H_%M_

if ( s:pathToArchiverTool == pathOf7z )
let cmd = "!\"".s:pathToArchiverTool."\" a ".archiveName.".7z -r
"exe "".cmd
echo cmd

command! -nargs=1 ARCHIV call Archive(<args>)

This func aims to archive one folder or file with sevenzip or winrar.
I would like to call this func with the same way that FuzzyFinder

Not like that :ARCHIVE "c:/mydirToArchive"

But with a proposal list like omnifunc do in FuzzyFinder.

I would just type:
:ARCHIVDIR then...

a list appears to search dir or file into my system like FufFile do.

c:/program files

and then I can auto complete until finding the good dir and launch my
func ARCHIV on it.

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