Sunday, November 28, 2010

Re: syntax folding: unfolds all when { is inserted

On Sun, 28 Nov 2010, fkater wrote:

> Hi,
> I am using syntax foldling in C files. When all is folded but then a
> somewhere in the middle a { is inserted, every fold below in the file
> gets unfolded (sometimes it returns to the previous state when the
> closing } is inserted, but sometimes not).
> I would like to disable this feature if possible, however, keep syntax
> based folding. In case it is related to brace matching I do not need
> that either.
> Is there a way?

I asked the same thing a while back[1]. In the end, Bram explained that
it's slightly complicated to get this right[2]. Personally, I use this
variant of Matt's workaround[3] in my own .vimrc:

" Don't update folds in insert mode
aug NoInsertFolding
au InsertEnter * let b:oldfdm = &l:fdm | setl fdm=manual
au InsertLeave * let &l:fdm = b:oldfdm
aug END

The gist: switch to something other than foldmethod=syntax while in
insert mode, then switch back afterward. It still has the problem that
if you insert a bracket and then insert the closing bracket at two
different times (e.g. to add a level of scope to something), the folds
get messed up. But, it's better than the complete craziness of updating
the folds as you're entering them in the first place.



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