Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Re: Using Bash in Vi mode. How to map keys?

Reply to message «Re: Using Bash in Vi mode. How to map keys?»,
sent 21:15:14 02 November 2010, Tuesday
by aleCodd:

> > what do you mean by that? <c-o> waits for a command and reenters insert
> > mode, but where does it MOVE?
Just try it while at the end of non-empty line and see where cursor moves. Don't
you think that there is some purpose of existance of <C-\><C-o> alongside with

> > really appreciate your detailed explanation, so i guess immigrating to
> >
> > zsh land will make things easier in the end, too bad that it will take
> > another month or so to get used to it with all its commands etc.
Zsh has reasonable wizard that creates initial zshrc and does not require much
time to get used to it if you are already familiar with bash. Most of bash
functions will work in zsh as well, but you will need to rewrite prompt and
bindings (it looks like they can not invoke any functions so it is easy with
``binkey -s'').

It also has some very useful modules: zpty (an analog of expect), zmv
(rename/copy/link files); ttyctl (restores tty settings after application exited
or crashed), PCRE regex support, hooks for everything, globbing flags (capable
of replacing `find' and any `find | ... | xargs ...' pipe, though with some
perfomance penalty), parameter expansion flags (for example, escaping a string
stored in a variable no more requires sed, just ${(qqq)VAR}), highly
configurable completion... Just start using and you'll never want to switch

PS: It was hard to find where is the text you wrote.

PPS: Most of the message is an offtopic here.

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