Thursday, December 30, 2010

Re: 1st attempt at an autocmd - name:line, name:line:col

* Christian Brabandt wrote:
> Hi Dr.!

Hi Christian,
Thanks for your response.

> On Mi, 29 Dez 2010, Dr. David Alan Gilbert wrote:
> > Below is my first attempt at writing an autocmd (and for that
> > matter a vim script) and I'd appreciate any feedback (e.g.
> > 'no you fool, don't do it like that, do it like this....', or
> > I wouldn't be surprised to be told someone has already done it).
> I haven't looked at your script, but I'd like to let you know, that
> there already exists the file:line plugin:
> which seems to do, what you want.

That plugin is interesting; it only does file:line while mine does
file:line:col and also allows a trailing : , however it does
clean a few things up - I can see from the history the author has
found a few things that need to be fixed that I also didn't think
Victor also uses matchlist which looks like a much saner way of doing things
than the multiple substitute() calls that I use to slice up the


-----Open up your eyes, open up your mind, open up your code -------
/ Dr. David Alan Gilbert | Running GNU/Linux | Happy \
\ gro.gilbert @ | | In Hex /
\ _________________________|_____ |_______/

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