Monday, December 27, 2010

Re: AX: change letters on the fly

Reply to message «Re: AX: change letters on the fly»,
sent 10:39:02 26 December 2010, Sunday
by rameo:

> However AX is much quicker.
> I created this key sequence in AX:
> aâäæa AÀÂÄÆA bßb BßB CÇC eêëe EÉÊÈËE iîïi IÎÏI oôöœo OÔÖŒO uûüu UÛÙÜU
> when I write the letter "a" and push F8, the "a" becomes an "â" when i
> push F8 again the "â" becomes an "ä", so on.
> It cut out the character to the left of the cursor, it look it up in a
> string of characters and paste the next one.

This is possible with my plugin also, but only if you change «<F8>» to just
{some_key}: it is not intended to work with functional keys and I won't change
this. In this case transliteration sequences will change insignificantly:

:Tr3Command add a@ â
:Tr3Command add a@@ ä
:Tr3Command add a@@@ æ

and so on. You do not need to write an uppercase variant here: A@@@ will
automatically be transliterated to Æ (you may change this by explicitely
specifying transliteration sequence for A@@@, but in this case you will have to
explicitely specify sequences for A@ and A@@ or A@@@ will be the only sequence
starting with A). If you still want to use <F8>, you will need to write your own
plugin: I do not think that there are many people that prefer this variant as it
requires to move the whole arm, not just fingers what is incompatible with fast

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