Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Re: AX: change letters on the fly

Reply to message «Re: AX: change letters on the fly»,
sent 12:58:18 28 December 2010, Tuesday
by rameo:

> I have a russian keyb on my pc.
> I use phonetic russian.
> I started reading the translit3.txt document.
> Most features are for transliteration in russian isn't it?

Yes, the reason is explained in the first paragraph of intro located in
translit3.rux (I was to lazy to add this additional information to .txt because
there already were lots of information that cannot be omitted): I wrote it
because I do not want to learn touch-typing on two different keymaps: dvp and
ru. There is additional use-case: I use it to type math in LaTeX with russian
transliteration disabled.

By the way, why do I get lots of copies of all your messages? I heard that it
can be because you edit your messages in Google groups, but I do not see any
differencies between this message and its copy.

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