Thursday, December 23, 2010

Re: Differences between Cscope and IdUtils


On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 8:20 PM, Ajay Jain <> wrote:
> Hi,
> In Vim, I started using CScope some time back and found it to be quite
> useful. Now, I have also come across IDutils. Could you please tell me
> .. what is better? I guess both tools serve the same purpose. Is there
> anything that IDutils provides which CScope does not?

The Gnu id-utils (gid) allows you to perform a quick search of the source
base for an identifier. For example, you can use this to get a list of
all the locations where a function or structure or a variable is used.
The GNU id-utils also can search for an identifier approximately (aid).

You cannot use id-utils to get a list of functions calling a function
or functions called by a function.

For more information, refer to the following page:

I have developed a Vim plugin that integrates id-utils with Vim. You can
download this from

There is also another Gnu tool called global that helps in browsing
code. For more information about this tool, refer to

- Yegappan

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