Friday, February 25, 2011

Re: Any dict plugin to translate English to Japanese?

A very simple function to dump the selected word from dic yahoo and show the

Add the following part to .vimrc file.

function Dict(cmd)
execute "new"
execute "r!w3m -dump". a:cmd
normal gg
com -nargs=* Dict call Dict(<f-args>)
vmap <C-\>q y:Dict <C-R>0<CR>
nmap <C-\>q :Dict <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>

Best Regards,

On 2/25/11, robert song <> wrote:
> On 2/25/11, robert song <> wrote:
>> On 2/25/11, tyru <> wrote:
>>> I haven't used cursoroverdictionary yet
>>> but it also seems a interesting and extensible plugin.
>>> to read his japanese blog entries:
>>> cursoroverdictionary's features:
>>> - it has operator to search from
>>> - hmm, I don't want that because I want to select a query
>>> without text-object in most cases like Vim's gf command behavior.
>>> operator feels too much feature for me.
>>> - it can define query like the followings:
>>> call cursoroverdictionary#add("boost",
>>> '{word}.html', "utf-8",
>>> "utf-8")
>>> call cursoroverdictionary#set_trim_pattern("boost", '</head><body>', '')
>>> command! -nargs=* LetsBoost CODSearchEx boost <args>
>>> - ref.vim does not have the feature currently because it is not only
>>> for alc dictionary.
>>> it is an interface for perldoc, pydoc, man, and so on.
>>> I think it is not difficult to implement a similar feature in
>>> ref.vim
>>> ref.vim's features:
>>> - it supports many sources
>>> - alc, clojure, erlang, hoogle, man, perldoc, phpmanual, pydoc, refe
>>> - there are many users so it is well-tested plugin.
>>> - you can define a own source (:help ref-sources).
>>> - it is fully customizable
>>> - you can use K ("<Plug>(ref-keyword)"), which is the same behavior as
>>> Vim's K command at default.
>>> - but for example, in perldoc buffer, it looks up a perl module.
>>> - for me, thinca who is the author of ref.vim is my friend so I
>>> quickly can send a bug report/patch/feature request! :p
>> there is a function in cursoroverdictionary, if we have a local
>> dictionary file, we can use CODRegisteDict to create a database file
>> from the file, and use :CODToggle to open a new windows, and in
>> another windows of vim, as the pointer moves to another place, the
>> word will be translated and displayed on the dict window, that is why I
>> want to use a local dictionary file, I think this way seems to more
>> convenient.
>> Of course, I will try to use ref.vim and it also seems to be a nice
>> one. :)
>> Regards,
>> robert

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