Thursday, February 24, 2011

Re: Automatically open new files in tabs

Ben, AK:

Thanks for the help.  I did a bit of reading and now understand the purpose/functionality 
of tabs in Vim much better.

$ alias vim='vim -p'  

Got me most of the way there.  With this Bash alias if I open a bunch of files at once they
will open in a separate tab each.

I also mapped ":tab ball" to a key, which takes care of converting buffers to tabs.


On Feb 24, 2011, at 4:48 PM, Ben Schmidt wrote:

On 25/02/11 7:02 AM, Matt wrote:
How can Vim be setup so that all new files edited will open in their
own tab?

I know I can open multiple files from the command line, each in their
own tab with:

    $ vim -p aaa.txt bbb.txt ccc.txt

And if I have multiple files open in buffers I can put them each into
a tab with:

   :tab ball

What is desired is that every time a new file is opened (after the
initial one) that it automatically opens in a tab.
As if ":tab ball" is done after every file open. Is this possible?

Just use :tab when you're opening your files. So you :tabe instead of :e
(or :tab e), or move to the next file in the arg list with :tab n etc.,

You can also move a window (if you have multiple open at once) to its
own tab page by doing CTRL-W T (capital T).

:help :tab
:help :tabe
:help CTRL-W_T

Is that what you're after, or are you opening your files differently or
something? There are other possibilities....


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