Monday, February 28, 2011

Re: using the help system in split screen mode

>> How do you figure that? You can easily get multiple buffers with
>> buftype=help perfectly naturally by splitting help windows and moving to
>> new help topics, using commands like ctrl-w ctrl-], and so on, and Vim
>> behaves perfectly normally and as expected.
> Just point me where help describes which of multiple buffers with 'bt' set to
> `help' will be used to open new help topic? Also note that ``:h 'bt''' says that
> you are not supposed to set 'buftype' to `help' manually.

LOL, OK, fair enough. It's not well-defined, but it isn't unpredictable
or undesirable either. So it's not a bad kind of undefined.

Setting 'bt' to help manually won't be a problem, particularly as the
buffer will shortly be unloaded (when the window is changed to show a
real help buffer). Of course, things could be a little icky in the case
that a help topic doesn't exist.

Neither approach is ideal.


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