Monday, February 28, 2011

Re: using the help system in split screen mode

On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 03:53:27PM EST, ZyX wrote:

> > How could I figure out the number of help windows in the current tab?

> let helpcount=len(filter(range(1, winnr('$')), 'getbufvar(winbufnr(v:val), "&ft")==#"help"'))

Works out of the box. :-)

> You may want to change "&ft" (shortcut to "&filetype") to "&bt"
> (shortcut to "&buftype"), but I would use &ft because vim behavior
> when you have more then one buffer with 'buftype' set to `help' is
> undefined (that is why I would have written `setl bt= | vert help
> subject' instead of suggested `vnew | set bt=help | help subject').

The suggested pipe 'setl bt= | help' does indeed override Vim's miserly
behavior relative to help windows..


Another quick question.. in Vimscript, what is the natural idiom to code:

if count == 0; do proc_0; fi
if count == 1; do proc_1; fi
if count > 1; do proc_n; fi

Otherwise, is there a decent tutorial on how to write functions in Vim..?

Thanks a bunch,


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