Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Re: call graph functionality

i was referring to CCTree Plugin in my OP. the problem with that
script is it can't be run
in background (as none of the vim scripts can), while it is building
the call tree,
vim will not be available for editing, this is a big problem if the
source files are huge.
if vim has this capability in-built (like a pthread running in
background) then it will be of
useful. btw, i am not looking for any fancy graphical natured call
graphs. an ascii tree
like the one provided in CCTree will be enough.

On Mar 30, 12:07 pm, Sasha <> wrote:
> I guess you didn't like vim's cscope support (:help cscope) or the
> CCTree plugin (
> I assume you mean you want to generate vector/raster graphical
> representations of the call graph. Doing this efficiently and well
> realistically requires using a tool built for the purpose (e.g.
> codeviz, just for one example:
> Why not find a tool which does the job as you like it, and then map
> keys to control that tool from vim?
> Sasha
> On Mar 30, 1:32 am, sinbad <> wrote:
> > hi,
> > i know many of the developers must be using vim to write
> > their c programs, but why there isn't an effort to add this
> > crucial functionality to vim. some vim scripts are available
> > to do exactly this, but they are not efficient and can't run
> > in parallel like figuring out function relationship in the
> > background.
> > thanks

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