Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Re: call graph functionality

On Mar 30, 11:41 am, ""
<> wrote:
> Version 1.21 of CCTree allows serialization of loaded cscope databases. So,
> you could run a vim process
> in the background sourcing the script which goes something like:
> load_my_cscope.vim:
> :CCTreeLoadDB cscope.out
> :CCTreeSaveXRefDb cctree.out
> $ vim -S load_my_cscope.vim
> Once it's done, you can load it in your current session with
> :CCTreeLoadXRefDb cctree.out
> The second load will take a few minutes usually. I'm currently testing a
> version that allows tracing from disk, requiring
> no load time (If you would like to try that out, let me know).

Wow! Does the initial generation/load take more time than the
secondary load (I hope it does)?

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