Sunday, March 27, 2011

Re: Filtering text through external commands

On 03/27/2011 02:24 PM, Matt Martini wrote:

> How do I set up a mapping to make the currently selected text (visual
> mode) get processed by an external command?
> I have a bunch of scripts that do text processing (mostly perl and bash)
> that I want to process the current buffer in vim.
> To process the whole file, I can do:
> map<leader>x :%!<CR>
> But how do I set it up so that if there is something highlighted via
> visual mode then only that text gets processed.

You can make a visual-mode mapping as well, something like

:vnoremap <leader>x :!<cr>

The catch is that this is line-wise rather than character-wise or
block-wise. To do those, you'd have to investigate Dr. Chip's
vis.vim script[1] which takes the pain out of working with those
two sub-modes of visual-mode.

> Is there a way to set this up so that the same mapping will process the
> highlighted text, or if nothing is selected process the whole file?

Because they're mappings that occur in different modes, you'd
need both a normal-mode mapping and a visual-mode mapping.
However, you can create a custom command with ":command" that
would allow you to have a default range[2] so you could do
something like this (untested)

:command! -range=% E <line1>,<line2>!

Which you can then use (including in mappings) as


to do the whole file, or you can explicitly specify a range:


Hope that helps,




:help :command-range

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