Monday, March 28, 2011

Re: Function to write correctly French quotation marks

On Tue, 29 Mar 2011, Steve wrote:

> Hi Christian,
> Thank you for your answer.
> Le 23-03-2011, à 17:57:53 +0100, Christian Brabandt a écrit :
>> On Wed, March 23, 2011 3:20 pm, Steve wrote:
>>> In French, we do not write "word" or 'word', we write « word », with
>>> a non-breakable space after « and before ». Until now, I do:
>>> <c-k><<<c-k>NSword<c-k>NS<c-k>>>
>>> which is really not convenient. I'd like a function, say
>>> Guillemets(), which does that automatiquelly. I would then map it to
>>> a function key FN (or whatever else) and just call it in normal
>>> mode. Problem, I really don't have the necessary skills to do that.
>>> Anybody could help?
>> Does those two mappings help you?
>> :imap <expr> " getline('.')[col('.')-2]=~'\S' ? ' »' : '« '
>> :imap <expr> ' getline('.')[col('.')-2]=~'\S' ? ' »' : '« '
> In fact, both don't do anything. I replaced <expr> by <F10> or
> <Leader>gu, but nothing happens.

'<expr>' isn't something to be replaced. See:

:help :map-<expr>

(Basically, without the '<expr>' in front, you'll get the mappings as
literal commands, which is not what you want.)

These mappings are to the keys <"> and <'>. If you want them mapped to
something else, change those single characters. But you probably don't
want to do that. These are :*i*map commands (i = insert). So, they're
active while in Insert mode. They change the meanings of the keys <">
and <'> to "smartly" insert guillemets.

E.g. typing: Hi, "this is in quotes," and "so is this".

You end up with: Hi, « this is in quotes, » and « so is this ».

Give it a try, but you'll probably want to set up some kind of toggle so
that the mappings aren't active 100% of the time.


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