Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Re: Hyperlinks with dashes not working

On 30/03/11 08:29, Marco wrote:
> I have some troubles creating help files with dashes in
> the hyperlinks. When a dash appears in a hyperlink, vim
> consideres the parts to be independent words. Dashes in
> the help files shipped with vim are no problem, this
> happens just to my own ones.
> Example:
> |my-helptopic|
> *my-helptopic*
> In the link above I either get: »E426: tag not found:
> helptopic« or »E426: tag not found: my«
> I suspect a misconfiguration somewhere in my system. How
> to get links with dashes working?
> Marco

Dashes work in the hyperlinks for the Vim help, so if I were you I'd
look at the modelines (see ":help modeline") for several of these Vim
helpfiles (their modelines are not all identical) and copy a typical one
at the end of your custom helpfiles.

Best regards,
God made the integers; all else is the work of Man.
-- Kronecker

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