Monday, March 28, 2011

Re: Missing output from echo command ?

On 29/03/11 3:31 AM, Rostyslaw Lewyckyj wrote:
> Yesterday Ben Schmidt <> wrote:
> > Can you try to make a small test case with a particular file
> > and exact steps which can be followed to demonstrate the problem?
> Here is a test file and test instructions.
> I am including the file in-line between lines of =============
> delimiters.
> After you extract the test file, you need to clean it up, as the mails
> modify some content.
> 1. You need to remove the ' ' blank inserted in each 'From - ...'
> line. :g/^ From - /s/^ // should take care of that.
> 2. You need to remove the null lines inserted right after the
> 'X-Mozila-Keys: ...' lines.
> :g/^X-Mozilla-Keys: / .+1d should take care of that.
> Now you should be ready to test.
> I am on an Intel cpu, MS WIN 7 x 64 ultimate system, with (SP1).
> My VIM is an unmodified installation of 7.3 as downloaded from
> I have stored the test file as t13.txt on my desktop
> I start the edit by right clicking on the t13.txt icon and selecting
> edit with vim.
> 1. :set number
> 2. :set so=999
> 3. :hi Visual guibg=#bbbbbb
> 4. :1
> 5. : let ln = 999 | echo ln | let ln = search('^From - ','W') | echo ln
> As outcome I get:
> 999
> 2
> and the cursor moves to line 2
> 6. Repeat step 5 by pressing : up-arrow and enter.
> As outcome I get:
> the cursor moves to line 69
> (???). I expected.
> 999
> 69
> and the cursor to move to line 69
> 7. Repeat step 6. and keep repeating.

I can't reproduce the problem.

When I do the above I land on lines 2, 69, 100, 123 and 157. Each time, I see 999
echoed, followed by the line number the cursor has moved to. When executing on
line 157, I see 999 0 and the cursor does not move.

My Vim is 7.3.99, and I am on Mac OS X 10.6.6.

Can anyone else reproduce this? Is any recent patch relevant? I had a very quick
look and it didn't seem so to me.


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