Monday, March 28, 2011

Re: Odd configure problems on Cygwin

On Wed-2011/03/23-17:06 Gary Johnson wrote:

> The same login name I always use, "Gary Johnson". (If I knew then
> what I know now, I would not have used a name with a space.)

Reminds me of my first attempt of compiling linux. Back then I had
structured parts of the file hierarchy by using ":" (colon) separated
names. There was no mention anywhere that the build procedure breaks
with colons, I had to find out by trial and error.

> From the vim directory I ran the following command:
> $ find . | xargs ls -dl | grep -v 'Gary Johnson None'
> So there are no files that are owned by other than user "Gary
> Johnson" and group "None".

My instinct would advise:

$ ... egrep -v -i '^[^[:space:]]+[[:space:]]+[^[:space:]]+[[:space:]]+(Gary|Johnson|None)'

because this would guard against white space issues and provide similiar
(but not the exact same!) results. The problem lies with files named
"Gary", "Johnson" or "None" by accident.

> I could check configure to see if it ever explicitly checks anything
> against my user name and see if it handles spaces properly. That's
> a problem with rcs and some versions of ssh, so it might be a
> problem with configure or some tool that it's using.

That's a Titanic Task given the wads of m4 preprocessing
incomprehendable by mortals.

> Note that the process I'm using worked fine through August, 2010, so
> if it is something in configure it's something that has changed
> since then.

You might get (un)lucky, then, since all the autoconfig stuff consists
of so many parts. Are you running a package manager that keeps logs by
chance? If not, a list of files sorted by time might help. How about
"find /dev-tools-root/ -mtime -111 -ls" to show files changed within the
last 111 days?


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