Thursday, March 31, 2011

Re: What is supposed to happen if there is an error in a vim script?

Andy Wokula wrote:
> Am 31.03.2011 08:38, schrieb Rostyslaw Lewyckyj:
>> IF vim recognizes an error in a script, what does it do?
>> Where are the rules for this detailed?
>> Suppose that while editing, I initiate a script
>> e.g. :so myscript.vim
>> and there is an error
>> e.g. the script looks for a non existing pattern in
>> After issuing its error message what is the expected action
>> for the general case:
>> 1. The script is immediately terminated, returning to the
>> invocation point?
>> 2. After possibly issuing an error message,
>> the script continues trying to execute with its next command.
>> In this case as if the search for the pattern had not failed?
>> Are these kinds of exception rules spelled out explicitly
>> anywhere in the available documentation?
>> Not just mentioned in passing by an example!
>> In my simple test case, it appears that 2. is the rule.
>> But of course I'm just seemingly poking a black box.
> :h except-compat
> Normally, a script is sourced to the end, even if errors occur. This is
> the same in all (also older) Vim versions.
> But if :source is executed within a :try-block, sourcing will stop on
> the first error.
> try
> so script.vim
> endtry
> If you want to still source to the end, you have to use :sil! to
> surpress errors:
> try
> :sil! so script.vim
> endtry
> What you can't have is: execute :so within a :try-block and still see
> all error messages (not only the first).
All very good hints and commets, thank you messieurs: Brabant, Schmidt,
and Wokula.

However none of you answered,
>> Are these kinds of exception rules spelled out explicitly
>> anywhere in the available documentation?
>> Not just mentioned in passing by an example!

>> Where are the rules for this detailed?

Or is this an impossible task, since the rules of vim
are not regular, but an ad hoc collection?
(like French grammar. :-) )


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