Monday, March 28, 2011

Re: Why Ruby is not supported on Vim7.3 (needed for commandT)

Reply to message «Re: Why Ruby is not supported on Vim7.3 (needed for
sent 06:13:59 28 March 2011, Monday
by Benjamin R. Haskell:

By the way, I used to download Vim from here:
. It has both gvim and vim windows builds with all interpreters enabled (if you
have proper DLLs which are not bundled). If I am not mistaking, it uses source
and runtimepath obtained from vim mercurial repository. Though I am not sure how
it is maintained: it is just well suitable for testing vim under wine.

Original message:
> On Mon, 28 Mar 2011, wei gao wrote:
> > I download vim7.3 from and here is my version info:
> > PS C:\Windows\system32> vim --version
> > VIM - Vi IMproved 7.3 (2010 Aug 15, compiled Oct 27 2010 17:51:38)
> > MS-Windows 32-bit console version
> The version available from is pretty minimal, especially the
> non-GUI version. I'm not sure if the GVim listed there would have Ruby
> support. The 'Cream' version of Vim (also listed on that downloads
> page) has a lot more features from what I understand. A direct link to
> the SF files list for the latest version:
> "with GUI" doesn't imply that you have to use it. Though, under
> Windows, you might be better off using it anyway.

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