Sunday, March 27, 2011

Re: Why Ruby is not supported on Vim7.3 (needed for commandT)

On 28/03/11 07:22, wei gao wrote:
> I'm using GVim from <> which doesn't support ruby.
> BTW, is this Cream version the official one?

Yes and no. It is compiled from Bram's official sources using a
different C compiler than Bram's.

> Is it stable?

What do you call stable? Unlike the executable, which is 7.3.0
and won't be republished until there is a 7.4.0 or an 8.0.0 (whichever
comes first), the Vim distribution available from the Cream site
incorporates most of the official bugfixes, with usually no more than a
few days' lag. As of this writing, it is a 7.3.143 (where 143 is the
patchlevel, i.e. the number of official bugfixes included in it in
addition to 7.3.0) while the latest sources on Bram's public Mercurial
repository are 7.3.146.

The "release notes" available on sourceforge for this distribution
(familiarly dubbed "Vim without Cream" since it is a Vim distribution
available from the Cream site but without the specific Cream patches)
are the output of the :version command for the gvim.exe contained in
that distribution, with just a few additional blank lines to make it
more readable. How to get at these release notes changes every time
Sourceforge changes the look and feel of its site, which is oftener than
I like. At the moment you can get at them as follows:
1. Browse to
2. Click "Vim" to expand the list of Vim distributions
3. Click the topmost version number to expand the list of its files
4. Now you see two files: an .exe which is the self-installing
executable, and a .txt which is the release notes. Click on the latter
to see the contents (and in particular, which features were and weren't
compiled-in) without the need to install the distribution.

Best regards,
hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
39. You move into a new house and decide to Netscape before you landscape.

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