Friday, April 29, 2011

quick fix to jump between warnings and errors

the compiler and lint tool my company is using generate 3 kinds of
messages: errors, warnings and info. right now my keys are mapped in
such a way that in quick fix window i jump between warnings, errors
and info. is there a way to setup key mappings so that one key would
only jump between errors, the other between warnings and the third
between info, i.e.

map <F2> jump to the next error
map <F3> jump to the next warning
map <F4> jump to the next info.

here is what my errorformat is set to:

set errorformat=%f\(%l\)\ :\ %m,%C\ \ %p^\,%C%p~,%A\"%f\"\\,%l%m\,%C%m

any help is appreciated.

p.s. i not new to vim but i never really got into all the details. i
didn't come up with errorformat variable setting, my boss gave it to
me. if you could simplify the explanation i would really appreciate it.

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