Friday, April 29, 2011

Re: How do define a default highlight for none-linked group?

On 30/04/11 03:35, Ben Schmidt wrote:
> On 30/04/11 9:52 AM, Tony Mechelynck wrote:
>> On 29/04/11 04:00, pansz wrote:
>>> hi vimmers,
>>> for linked group we can use :hi default link to set a default value, for
>>> none-linked group we can't.
>>> Suppose my script want to set the default value highlight group
>>> CursorIM. i.e. if user color scheme has set the hi CursorIM, let it be,
>>> if user color scheme has not set the highlight, my script set it to a
>>> specific value.
>>> Is it possible? or is it possible to check in script whether a highlight
>>> group already defined or not?
>> What about
>> hi default CursorIM term=reverse ctermbg=green ctermfg=yellow
>> \ gui=bold guibg=green guifg=yellow
>> I don't have a help tag but see line 4087 of syntax.txt (2011 Apr 06
>> for Vim 7.3).
> Well, the 'default' part is explained at :help :hi-default which applies
> not just to :hi-link, which is closest to it, and which the examples
> demonstrate, but it also applies to :hi with settings (as [default] is
> present in the syntax description, and there is a cross-reference to
> :help :highlight-default, a little bit below :help :colo).
> However, it doesn't really help in this case. CursorIM, being a built-in
> highlight group, never has "no settings" or "doesn't exist", unless you
> explicitly do :hi clear CursorIM or :hi CursorIM NONE. So using
> "default" to define CursorIM will be useless unless you expect your user
> to do one of those two things above if they want to get your default
> highlighting.
> Ben.

I don't do anything with it, and yet:

:hi CursorIM
E411: highlight group not found: CursorIM

The same happens with "vim -N -u NONE" or with "vim -u
/usr/local/share/vim/vim73/vimrc_example.vim" with or without --noplugin.

Best regards,
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Sooner or later, the worst possible set of circumstances is
bound to occur.

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