Saturday, April 30, 2011

Re: Ignore the folding

[CCing the list again.]

On 1/05/11 3:33 AM, JuanPabloAJ wrote:
> I started a plugin with this objetive,
> welcome yours comments or issues.
> Regards
> --
> JuanPabloAJ
> On sábado 30 de abril de 2011 at 3:55, Ben Schmidt wrote:
>> On 30/04/11 4:12 PM, JuanPabloAJ wrote:
>>> I use syntax folding with C++. How do I ignore the folding in my
>>> while, if and for constructs?
>> I don't think you can do exactly this easily. C code folding is simply
>> based on { } blocks, not statements (see :help ft-c-syntax). Making it
>> do something else would be very hard, too, I think.
>> If you just want to fold one level, and no more (i.e. functions, but
>> never anything within functions), you could do
>> :set foldnestmax=1
>> Or using 2 might be better, if you work with lots of inline functions
>> defined in classes' header files.
>> Alternatively, using marker folding or something like that is an option.
>> Any of those ideas any good?
>> Ben.

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