Saturday, April 30, 2011

Re: is there s 'toinitialupper' function?

On 30 Apr 2011, at 00:47, John Beckett wrote:

> Tim Chase wrote:
>> let s=substitute(s, '\w\+', '\u\1', 'g')
> The above is intended to change each word in s, making the first
> letter uppercase and not changing the rest.
> The search pattern needs brackets, or the \1 should be replaced.
> The following works:
> let s=substitute(s, '\w\+', '\u&', 'g')


Thanks for your suggestions. That's much simpler than I was going to do (cut the word to pieces with strpart, capitalise with toupper, then join them back together).

Regards, Andy

Andrew Long
andrew dot long at mac dot com

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