Friday, April 29, 2011

Re: Vi for any Windows APP using AutoHotkey

On Apr 28, 6:40 pm, Marc Weber <> wrote:
> Is it possible?
> Well of course not. But with some work we can get close enough to make
> editing text much more fun. In some cases its not useful to use Vim, eg
> if you want to use existing "IDE" features of tools such as Delphi 2009.
> Is anyone interested in helping extending such an implementation?
A long time ago while I was doing all of my work on Windows I created
something similar.
It's called "Modal keyboard remapper" and can be found at
(Then I moved to Linux and I've been using Vim ever since :) ).

IIRC the operation is a little bit different than Vim: first you
select a region (eg. sw), then you issue a command. The script uses a
semi-transparent window to indicate the current mode the script is in.
The last time I used it was end of 2008. I don't know how AHK has
evolved since then so the script might not work any more.

You are free to use any part of the script.


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