Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Re: Improved saving of history in viminfo

Reply to message «Re: Improved saving of history in viminfo»,
sent 18:30:44 29 June 2011, Wednesday
by Ben Schmidt:

It is No documentation (don't see doc/,
there is only a template). Options are defined in s:_options
and are self-explanatory (except for SaveOptions which should not be used at the
current state).

Original message:
> On 30/06/11 12:10 AM, ZyX wrote:
> > It is known that if you launch multiple vim instances and then exit every
> > instance will overwrite history stored in viminfo, so only history from
> > the last vim instance will be added. Example:
> >
> > Initial viminfo: one command ":echo 'Abc'" in history.
> > 1. Launch vim 1, run ":echo 'Def'".
> > 2. Launch vim 2, run ":echo 'Ghi'".
> > 3. Exit vim 2.
> > 4. Exit vim 1.
> > Viminfo history: ":echo 'Abc'", ":echo 'Def'".
> > Proposed history: ":echo 'Abc'", ":echo 'Ghi'", ":echo 'Def'".
> >
> > How do you handle this situation (please don't reply if you ignore this
> > issue)?
> >
> > I have written a plugin for this, but guess it can be improved.
> Yeah, I'd be interested in seeing this improved and/or checking out the
> plugin.
> Ben.

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