Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Re: syntax highlight unusual strings

On Jun 28, 5:07 pm, Charles Campbell <>
> cyboman wrote:
> > my company is using a propitiatory language. there are 4 kind of
> > different kind of strings that can be defined.
> > i"mystring"
> > x"mystring"
> > b"mystring"
> > "mystring"
> [snip]
> Here's one attempt...
> syn region Strings matchgroup=myRegularString start=/"/    end=/"/
> syn match myByteString    /\<b\ze"/ nextgroup=Strings
> syn match myHexString    /\<x\ze"/ nextgroup=Strings
> syn match myOtherString    /\<i\ze"/ nextgroup=Strings
> hi def link Strings            String
> hi def link myByteString    Delimiter
> hi def link myHexString     Delimiter
> hi def link myOtherString   Delimiter
> hi def link myRegularString    Delimiter
> Regards,
> Chip Campbell

what do z and e in \<b\ze, \<x\ze, \<i\ze stand for?


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