Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Re: Using 'O' to open a new line and insert is slow

I have the same problem.
It is slow for any of filetypes (tested php,python,txt)
But it works faster for small files.
:noremap O gives no mappings found.

I use latest Linux Mint , wmii as window manager.

On Jun 30, 1:18 am, "Benjamin R. Haskell" <> wrote:
> On Wed, 29 Jun 2011, seed wrote:
> > Sometime when I use 'O' to open a new line above the current line, the
> > letter 'O' is displayed on the screen for a few seconds before I can
> > insert. Does anybody have this problem? However, it's ok when I use
> > gVim or use Vim with X off.
> Sounds like something is setting up a shortcut that starts with 'O'.
> Vim is waiting for the next keystroke in a multi-key mapping.  To see if
> that's the case, type:
> :noremap O
> If there's any output, that would be the reason.
> It might depend on what plugins you've got installed, and might only
> happen for certain filetypes.  So, test it from a situation in which the
> problem occurs.
> --
> Best,
> Ben

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