Friday, July 1, 2011

Re: Control iTunes from Vim with ViTunes (a vim plugin packaged as a Ruby gem)

On Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 9:49 PM, Daniel Choi <> wrote:
> Today I'm releasing a Vim plugin that lets you control iTunes without
> leaving Vim.

Thanks a lot for that.

> If you use Vim and OS X, I would appreciate it if you took it for a
> spin and let me know if it works OK.

I just played with it for like 5 minutes (with only 4 tracks in
iTunes) so these are probably just beginner's mistakes:

1) I installed it on a brand new Mac, with no added directories to
$path, which ment that it couldn't find vitunes-install. Perhaps you
should add a note to the installation process.

2) When pressing '?' vim responds /bin/bash: vitunes-help: command not
found, probably also due to a clean $path.

3) I couldn't get > and < to work (vim calls <SNR>9_nextTrack() but
nothing happens).

4) When pressing '.' the displayed message is very long. How about
truncating it or showing it another place than in the commandline. (I
get the 'press ENTER or type command to continue' all the time).

5) Not a complaint but a question: The leader on my system is \ which
I prefer. How can I easily change vitunes such that it responds to \a
etc. instead of ,a? (I've been a user of vmail for some time, and have
wondered the same thing there).

Anyway, these are just my very first experiences. Thanks for putting
these plugins together.

Best wishes
Troels Agerholm

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