Sunday, July 31, 2011

Re: Detecting Encrypted File

Reply to message «Re: Detecting Encrypted File»,
sent 03:40:27 01 August 2011, Monday
by Ben Schmidt:

> BufReadPost should also work, and won't trigger every time you move the
> cursor into the encrypted file's window/buffer.

> This works when I've already opened the file, but it doesn't work when I
> put it in my .vimrc, even when I try it both ways, like this:
> if !empty(&key) | set viminfo= | endif
> au! BufRead * if !empty(&key) | set viminfo= | endif
+ documentation
> BufRead or BufReadPost When ...

Original message:
> On 1/08/11 5:46 AM, Paul wrote:
> > On Sun, Jul 31, 2011 at 09:51:00PM +0400, ZyX wrote:
> >> Try BufWinEnter, BufEnter or such. I don't really know which events are
> >> launched after file is decrypted.
> >
> > Either of those work, thank you.
> BufReadPost should also work, and won't trigger every time you move the
> cursor into the encrypted file's window/buffer.
> Ben.

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