Thursday, July 28, 2011

Re: A modern look for gvim (win32)

Search for niva under vim users group
relooking or new look and you will find it!

I am proud that my shared files make interest of you.

To make your version, see iss file that I have made and change french filterinf to english one !
Change toolbar height in gui.c or h and you will have your version with 16px

Give me news about your relooking.

2011/7/28 Tobbe Lundberg <>
I took the liberty to post it online for direct viewing:

It's amazing what some modern looking icons can do! This looks much fresher than the official gvim release :)
(But personally I prefer 16px icons to leave more room for text on my screen.)

Thanks for sharing this!

BTW, do you have a link to the old discussion you had? It should be in one of the online mailing list archives somewhere.

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